The Aquatic Life

008: Travel Hacks & Silly Scuba News

Todd Reimer and Dalton Hamm Episode 8

Todd and Dalton discuss some silly scuba news based on some fun diving related websites.  Then, as if they didn't get the hint that no one travels anymore, they discuss various travel hacks when heading out to travel to various dive destinations.

Silly Scuba News:

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Todd Reimer:   0:07
Welcome to the Aquatic Life, a podcast about underwater photography. Diving an adventure travel. I'm Todd Reimer, and with me, as always, is dealt in. Ham.

Dalton Hamm:   0:16
Hey, what's going on, guys?

Todd Reimer:   0:20
Well, since it's another week of being stuck at home in Cove in 19 watch, why don't we skip what we've been doing? Because it's pretty much been staying home. And let's go into something you turned me on to this week, which is, uh, some silly scuba news, which is this, um, I say we start the river, which is silly scuba news, which is based on this website you turned me on to just the other day called Times Owners News. Tell me where you found out about this place

Dalton Hamm:   0:54
underwater times dot com. Um, I think we happened across that probably 10 years ago and was bored searching the Internet for stuff and ran across this, and it kind of reminded me of, ah of FARC. Don't know how many people remember FARC, but it's just a bunch of silly news. And, um, this just happens to be silly news that all rotates around the ah, the dive world. So it's usually entertaining has some interesting things like which end is the But

Todd Reimer:   1:32
let's get into it. Yeah, let's get let's get into it One of the first things that caught my eye when you told me reminding me about this website, which is a Guinness World record, was just set because a man bench press 62 times underwater with the 50 kilogram bar bell. I think it's about 121 £110 to set a new Guinness Book world record and you can actually watch it on YouTube will send a link, But, uh, this is breaking news right here.

Dalton Hamm:   2:00
And then we have ah, eventually one which is a which end is the but Boisture flatulence worries climate scientists.

Todd Reimer:   2:13
I was I was worried about always reflection. I was always thinking about that diving and watching them. They be fine. Yeah,

Dalton Hamm:   2:21
I always wondered if you know when you opened up the you know, someone the clams that were open or something and saw the little movements. If that was ah, a fart or what Now I guess we can find out.

Todd Reimer:   2:35
Scientists are on the case.

Dalton Hamm:   2:38
It's It's full of, ah, full of just funny silly things. Priceless. Put the global cooling effect

Todd Reimer:   2:50
of whales. I mean, it's amazing that I'm how many reporters do they have on staff here? This is, um this is awesome. Well, I think I think it's perfect, since ah, we don't have any of our own news to give. This will have Teoh delve deep into the silly scuba news from here on out, until things get back, I

Dalton Hamm:   3:12
think we'll have to pick out some, like some funny or interesting piece every week. Teoh to re 11 rehash.

Todd Reimer:   3:22
Yeah, sounds great. Well, why don't we move right onto this week's topic, which is travel hacks? That should be a fun one.

Dalton Hamm:   3:34
Oh, yeah, That's Ah, one of my favorite topics of travel hacks.

Todd Reimer:   3:41
Yeah, So this really will apply not just to scuba diving, but any travel stuff of some stuff you may have heard, but obviously don't know. I gonna put into topics we have where we typically have a lot of heavy gear. We have to get through and provides its own challenges, but it's not limited to that. Uh, it's just gonna be if you're do travel all around the world for scuba diving. There's a lot of things you learn as you go over the years toe that make getting from point A to point B a lot easier?

Dalton Hamm:   4:13
Absolutely. There's just a lot of these things. Like I said, they'll just cross over because, I mean, you're still you're still just traveling. It just depends if you're carrying heavy dive gear, heavy photo gear or heavy stuff back home to your parents or family or something,

Todd Reimer:   4:34
right? Bringing a lot of laundry back home from,

Dalton Hamm:   4:38
you know, catching a flight. I thought I fly home and go home washing clothes,

Todd Reimer:   4:45
right? Uh, awesome. Well, why don't, uh, don't you start itself. What's your first,

Dalton Hamm:   4:51
uh, first tip there? So many to choose from. How about roll it? Don't fold it. So instead of folding your clothes into nice, nifty little squares that usually take up a lot more space, you can roll them tightly, They'll take up less space. And they usually through my experience and might be them a little bit more anal about how I roll them. Um, it also tends to help me fight off wrinkles and things like that.

Todd Reimer:   5:28
Definitely. I think, uh, lots of ah airline attendants will attest to the fact that your old stuff, it's Ah, takes up less space and you have less wrinkles. That's a good one. Kind of conflicting. With that is, what's your opinion on packing cubes use? Um, my president. Does that conflict with

Dalton Hamm:   5:44
on what was up?

Todd Reimer:   5:45
Packing cubes, packing cues,

Dalton Hamm:   5:48
packing cubes? I have never used them. I have never used them. How about you?

Todd Reimer:   5:53
So packing cubes kind of are at odds with the role. It don't fold it mentality in my book. It's nice if you have tons of space, you don't have to worry about space that you can have it nice and organized and keep things in her changed. But it takes up. Packing keeps take up extra room in your bag and you and by sectioning it off it, it kind of ah, ends up being, um, when you need to maximize amount of space, it ends up being a problem. Having packing cubes. I'd like him in general, but usually when I have to maximize the space packing keeps go out the window, and there were what don't fold it mentality takes over from there

Dalton Hamm:   6:31
right on what's first on your list. But,

Todd Reimer:   6:33
um, I think I'm gonna go with Heavy scare goes in your carry on luggage. Uh, this should be obvious for most of us, but as we know are checking luggage is limited by the weight that is in there. And so you want your big, bulky but not necessarily heavy stuff to go into your checked bag. Whereas obviously, things like camera gear obviously don't want to check that anyway. But your heaviest things that should go in your carry on that way. Typically with travel within the U. S. And even most airlines internationally, they don't usually check your heavy. They don't check your carry on bags. Wait. So if you can put all your heavy stuff there, you have an easier time with the weight limits on checked bags

Dalton Hamm:   7:22
and just don't, uh, fill your backpack to full. So it looks like it's all bulging and everything. Then you might catch a ah, a stewardess or something that wants to be nit picky and say, Oh, hey, how heavy is that bag?

Todd Reimer:   7:39
All right. Yeah, when I jump in, kind of with related topic sincerity There you and I both were on a flight on Emirates, where the exception to this rule was the fact that they do Check your carry on bag. Wait. Um and it became quite a knish you because we had a lot of heavy bags, every gear. We weren't ready for it. We're tryingto explain to them that we you know, we can't check this gear cause it's photo gear and it took a lot lot of talking to get ah, to get them to make an exception for us. So in those cases, if you know you're on an airline, that your especially for traveling internationally and they may be checking the weight of a curie on bag if you happen, we're going with a group. It may be to your benefit to leave some of your heaviest gear with a friend that surge checked in before you go and actually check your bag in not necessarily the most ethical thing to do. I'm saying I realized, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Do your research figure out if an airline has a high likelihood potentially checking the weight of your carry on bag and if you happen to have other people go with come up with a game plan for a Plan B Teoh, Get around it.

Dalton Hamm:   8:57
And since we're at that particular spot, um, I was saving this tilt toward the end, and I was using it for my pro tip and let's deal, and that was going to be check. Um, we'll go ahead and use my pro tip that I was saving for the end, and that's basically Teoh. Check your airline and see if they offer media rates. So, basically, a media rate for those who don't know is if you're carrying camera equipment and you can provide a business card or some other, um, press pass or some other type of identification, Um, you can get what's what they call their media rate, which is $50 per bag. Wait up to £100. It could be larger, and you get up to 25 bags, and that can include your normal check bags as long as you have your least one bag that has camera gear in it. Um, so as long as you're carrying some underwater camera gear and you could go into, they have their own special line that you go through, so it's not quite like being in a first class line. It can be as bad as a normal line, but usually it's not, and you get a kid to counter showing your business card. However you How are you obtained? That business card is Ah is up to you. But

Todd Reimer:   10:42
do they usually check for any credentials other than showing the business cards or is a business card

Dalton Hamm:   10:46
business cards sufficient? And most of most of them will say that the business card is fine

Todd Reimer:   10:53
and most major carriers typically have a standard

Dalton Hamm:   10:56
media like eso. How pull up really quick American here. Uh, so I just typed in Google American Airlines Media rate baggage. And it says you can take up 25 pieces of luggage and it's okay if their oversized or overweight you're off the hook for domestic flights will pay $50 per bag. International flights will pay $70 per bag each way. And that is up. Good up, Teoh. 25 bags. Um, let's just check United really quick. Doesn't take longer pull up media bags on you united Um, but I don't suppose to be checked in by the media representative and the charges are per item. Yet the prices listed on the chart below. UM, that is within North America, including US, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean and Central America is $50 outside of North America is $70. Each bag can weigh up to £99.9. Includes oversized baggage,

Todd Reimer:   12:43
Right? I think there's there some good enough examples that the key there is probably going to be. Each representative is going toe each. Airlines got a policy, so so long as you do it and you have some sort of quote unquote proof that you are somehow related to the media. Then you should be good to go. Um, but ah, you know, it's up to you in terms of, ah, how how well that'll work. But it's definitely something worth checking out. If you happen to have a lot for sure it on, give us what you give us another.

Dalton Hamm:   13:20
Well, I'll follow that one up with something that applies to the same area, and that's now get equipment insurance. It's it's worth it. It relieves a lot of stress for me. Anyway, I know that if I'm traveling, I don't necessarily mind putting my camera in a pelican and sending it on its way. If I'm using the media rates. And, you know, for the longest time I didn't I would I would pack my I'd have to pelicans that fit care that carry on sides. And I would pack one with my housing, one with my camera and lenses, and that's how I would travel. Um, but now I've gotten to the point where it's tough, you know, both of us. And I'm sure there several others that you'll have multiple housings, one for wide angle, one for macro, multiple lights, set ups and stuff like that. And you can't necessarily just fit all of that into a carry on in your significant other doesn't necessarily always like carrying your heavy shed. That's right. So, you know, you pack it all in a pelican case you haven't insured. Worst case, you know, if something does happen to it, you're covered. And it's really not that big of a deal.

Todd Reimer:   14:53
Yeah, I think this is kind of ah, travel and dive tip combined because, especially for thinking of checking your camera gear, Um, look for insurance companies that will ensure your dive gear and your camera when you're diving underwater as well. So not only will that the insurance cover you for any items that have broken during travel. But if something happens in camera floods, also, you're also covered. So it's definitely if you're gonna be diving a lot in traveling and I and taking photos during those dies, it's it's worth the money toe. Have tohave have your gear insured?

Dalton Hamm:   15:30
Exactly. And you know, I tell a lot of students and stuff like that and people in workshops I'm like, you know, you really can't put a price on peace of mind.

Todd Reimer:   15:41
Yeah, but the key here is also too much to my point is dive. So you have insurance will cover if you for for travel damage and things like that, that doesn't your normal gear. Insurance won't necessarily cover stuff. That happens when there's usually exceptions. Where if it's submerged underwater camera housing, flood standard centered inch gear insurance will not necessarily clever it. You just need to make you just need to make sure you're buying the right insurance and coverage. You in all those cases, absolutely, but definitely definitely worth doing if you're traveling a lot of so and if you're and if you're checking your bag going the checked bag route even more So

Dalton Hamm:   16:20
what you got up on your list? So

Todd Reimer:   16:23
sticking with the luggage section I'm gonna go with instead of finding a new, expensive carry on camera roller bag to take with you, look at buying a camera insert that fits into a standard 22 inch are standard international Carry on roller. I know. I don't know. You and I both use this this cool little camera insert that, um that just fits in. And we usually put most of our camera gear and whether we're going for a doctor per elsewhere, Uh, and it's great I I started off with.

Dalton Hamm:   16:57
So we got those off of eBay.

Todd Reimer:   16:59
EBay? Yeah, we'll send in the link, will send a link in the show notes of what we got, but it fits almost perfectly in most 22 inch bags. You can even squish it down a little bit if you need to fit it into something smaller. But, um, I started out before I knew this thing existed. I am like, Okay, well, after I was gonna go on ah, flight that required me to be on a regional jet, and I didn't want them to take my carry on bag my carry on gear, uh, into to be gay checked. So I got a very fancy think tank bag that was expressly meant to fit in regional jets. And it did. Unfortunately, the airline still wanted to take it on and gay check it because it had wheels on it. And I tried to explain to him that it fits in the regional jet. I have proof and blah, blah blah. They don't care. Their policy is such that if a camera if a bag has wheels, they're gonna make you gate check in. So to get around that policy, if you just get this camera insert, you can still get Check the bag and you just pull the insert out. It has a handle. You just pull it out and give him the empty bag, and you throw the little shell right into the overhead. And then when you get your bag back, you throw it back in, and then you get to real your stuff through the airport and you get

Dalton Hamm:   18:16
I think it's worth worth adding that it's It's not just like it's a fabric insert. It is a very nicely padded insert, so It's not like you're going to throw your camera gear in like a duffel bag on top of, you know, on top of the overhead. It's actually a nice form fitted, patted section compartment, just like if you open any standard camera bag.

Todd Reimer:   18:44
Yes, good, great point. Thank you. First clarifying it is in a legitimate camera bag insert. It's well padded. I feel totally confident with carrying that through, and it's easy to slip in and out of, and it's, Ah, it's probably goes from, I think, about 40 bucks on eBay versus the think tag bank think tank bag. A small little to wield roller that I got at the time was a deal. A $200 when most stuff is five or $600. But still, I would have known about it. I would have stuck with that because I can fit it in a four wheel roller. I can put that insert into a backpack, which I've done in the past. It's it's modular Zed. It's fantastic. So definitely, uh, definitely one of my favorite purchases for traveling lately. So what's next on your list?

Dalton Hamm:   19:30
Well, because some of these actually just, you know, the are just travel tips and we are applying them Teoh diving. Um, probably one of my more important ones is especially with your iPhone. Everybody has my phone these days or and Android. But take pictures of all your documents, take pictures of your passport, your dan card, your sir card. And just make sure you have those as a backup. So when you're traveling, if you get Teoh wherever you're going and you know something happens and you know you lose or you know you're one of your checked bags gets taken or something, you know you misplace it. Um, you'll have a copy of your passport in your sir card that you can makes it easier for you to get a replacement and x and your cirque arguing, Actually, just use the digital version. So,

Todd Reimer:   20:34
yes, and and similarly, uh, if you bought dive insurance, you probably would have done had to do this anyway, Um, but just in case they didn't make you take a picture of all your camera and lenses and their serial numbers also, but at times with claims, they want to know the serial number. If you have to make an insurance claim, and they want to see proof. So it's also gonna take pictures of gear as you packed it, along with pictures of the serial numbers of the actual high value.

Dalton Hamm:   21:06
To follow up on that, there's a couple of APS out there on a froze from photos. Photos has the one that's something. Vault, camera vault, video? Some kind of Ah, yes, yeah. Um, and it's after you can download on your phone and just list all of your serial numbers. You could make an Excel document with pictures of serial numbers. If you're a member of CPS or NPS, Canon Professional Services or Nikon Professional Services, you actually have to list your equipment with them in order to get membership. So, you know, make sure you have that stuff somewhere in case something happens. It will make your life a lot easier.

Todd Reimer:   21:54
But more importantly and more immediately, as Dalton said, foot back up photos of driver's license, passports, all your eternity and a temporaries, your travel reservations, pictures of all the back of pictures. All that, and I like to printout copies and and make sure to put them in separate in a second bag. So if you're. If you happen to have most of stuff in one bag, give it to your significant other or your friend to carry on backups in case something you lose your phone or use your phone in your bag. There's a second copy somewhere else. So if one to go in your checked luggage. If, uh, if you have one carry on but have it in a second.

Dalton Hamm:   22:32
Yeah, that was actually one of my one of my other trouble hacks was Teoh. Put a copy of your itinerary name, foam, hotel, home, address all of that. Just put one in each bag, and that way you're covered.

Todd Reimer:   22:50
Yes, good point. So my next point Meg next ah, tip is packed less clothes and do laundry on site. So a lot of trips when it's dive, elated, especially on and safari to Teoh. Add on to that. You have the benefit of the fact that you're not going to do doing too much fancy formal dining out or have two different types of close to do so you usually gonna be in swim trunks or wet suit or safari gear, and that's it, and especially on a liver board or little place. Um, even if you're gone for two weeks, you don't need two weeks worth of closing. Just take four days worth of clothing and take advantage of the laundry service I know, especially on my trips to Asia. Laundry doing laundry was dirt cheap. Same thing in Africa as well. So it was like a dollar and item. That was it. So instead of using up valuable space in your luggage and wait, take half the clothes that you you normally take on a normal trip that's not dive related and just plan on spending the money to do laundry and then that will save you a lot of space and weight on on your bags?

Dalton Hamm:   24:03
Absolutely. And I think I have one that kind of builds on that, and that's pack for where you're going. You know, if you're going to on a safari in Africa, you don't need Teoh. Pack very many slacks or dress shirts or ties or suits or anything like that, you know, Similarly, if you're going diving in the Caribbean, you know it's all board shorts and T shirts. You know, maybe one nice pair of khaki shorts and one nights Tommy Bahama shirt, and that'll get you in pretty much anywhere in the Caribbean as nice attire. Resort attire. Very

Todd Reimer:   24:45
true. Yep, you don't need to impress too many people, especially when you're on a dive, boats and dive trips. Everyone's going to be in wetsuits or casual where, UM, you know eso I don't need to overdo it on having lots of fancier. If it's, it's hard to resist the urge because I still have a problem. Pack over packing and a lot of it is I always end up packing way too many way to many close. So it takes a lot of concentrated effort.

Dalton Hamm:   25:12
Yeah, just like, you know, when we get when we went to Iceland, you know, we packed like one pair of shorts speech, you know, because you're in Iceland during January, it's flipping cold. You're not. You're not spending a lot of time in shorts except for when you're in the 150 degree hot tub. Or that's how it felt.

Todd Reimer:   25:35
Yeah, and you have the benefit of places like a nice on. If you ever forget anything that you can still go pick stuff up there that you that you left Um So So what you got next down? Uh, let's

Dalton Hamm:   25:49
see here. What I want to go with next, I would say, you know that this one kind of I think definitely applies to divers. Um, I remember when I first started diving and traveling, Someone told me I forget who it waas. They're like, you know, you should take a pair of your trunks, your swim trunks Keep one pair of swim trunks and a T shirt in your checked bag, even your mask and snorkel in. That way, If you get to where you're going and you know your luggage is lost or your luggage didn't make the same flight you made, it's gonna be a day late. You still have something Teoh change into and a mask that you can still go play around within the water.

Todd Reimer:   26:39
So you you said checked bag. You mean you're on? You put

Dalton Hamm:   26:42
you put in your carry on bags. Yeah, but in your carry on.

Todd Reimer:   26:46
Yep. So extra easy light change of clothes. So some try, especially going a hot destination. Have that those one trunks ready. Um, if you're traveling overnight, also on top of that, I'll add is you may get it from your airline, but otherwise have a toothbrush and a travel toothpaste with you in a care in your carry on bag or backpack, too. That way, if you have a long flight with a layover, you can least brush your teeth and wash up. You'll feel a lot better. That's another good one to have in your carry on bag of something that you

Dalton Hamm:   27:17
normally. Yeah, I think, like, uh, most divers have or told they should have saved the dive kit. I feel like a lot of travelers. If you travel a lot anyway, you should have a save the flight saved the trip kit. You know where you have. Like you said, You know, your teeth pays to small little travel toothbrush, some Advil and just small little things that you know that you might need. Breath mints, chewing gum. You just little knickknacks. Toe will make your flight that much easier.

Todd Reimer:   27:52
And obviously, your medication if you have any, don't Don't check that. Keep that in your carry on bag.

Dalton Hamm:   28:00
So you got all

Todd Reimer:   28:01
right. So next on my list, I'm gonna go with research which airlines might allow extra weight for dive equipment. There are some of them out there that will actually, they'll have a standard policy where it may be £50 or X amount of pounds or kilograms weight, but they don't advertise it. But behind the scenes, if you have a sporting equipment or in this case specific dive equipment, you will get extra sometimes up to 50 extra pounds allowance if you say that you have dive equipment in there. One example of this is Gruda. Eso. If you're flying into Indonesia for diving, check out their policy, even flying coach a state. You get an extra £50 I believe, to your standard for your standard year, just for having dive equipment per person. Ah, SilkAir. Also, I don't have their policy offhand, but I'm pretty sure they give you an extra piece if not extra weight for your dive gear as well. And obviously do that research ahead of time because that will be priced into how much what your flight cost is and what you have to budget for baggage. It can save you a lot of money. If you happen to fly on a carrier, that's not gonna ding you. Similarly, a look at airlines that charge an exorbitant fee for baggage over edges. So if you especially again back to Indonesia, we got screwed coming back from Raja on pot because we had our flight attorney got changed. We're supposed to be on Gruda. We're going to fly on Lion Air and we had to pay several $100 for baggage over ridges, and they didn't even take credit cards. So we had to scramble and give him all the cash. We still didn't have enough, and we had to sit there and plead with them because there's no a team in the airport. Teoh. Let us get on the flight because we didn't have it ready. So do your research over time, you know, ahead of time. And look for those airlines that have the best baggage allowances for dive for divers.

Dalton Hamm:   30:07
Absolutely, absolutely. And building on that. I have one that's always have some cash with you. I know a lot of us rely on credit cards and debit cards these days, but still, in most parts of the world, cash is king, so make sure you have Cem different denominations have a couple of twenties Ah, a couple of 10 some five someone's and you know they're great for tipping ballet for tipping sky cab Instances like Todd would say, when you get shuffled off to another airline and they have baggage fees, so now you need to come up with some cash toe, you know, help that along. Eso it always make sure that you have, ah, always have a little bit of cash with you,

Todd Reimer:   31:01
for sure, and most places you go in the world. US dollars is fine. Um, you can have local currency, and a lot of times it's advantageous to. But the good news is pretty much everywhere in the world. Will be happy to take your US dollars with you. So if you don't want to bother with having local currency, then bring bring a decent amount of cash with you and again, just like everything else. Split it up, don't carry it all in one place

Dalton Hamm:   31:26
and, you know, liked. I would say, you know, us dollars air taking pretty much anywhere in the world. But if you want to have some local cash, it's a good idea because it will probably be a little cheaper for you, where if someone says something's, you know, it's 14 pesos you're in Mexico. Something for you. Candy bars, 14 cases, Okay, given 14 paces Where if you only had us, that's all. It's a dollar, and the conversion rate is like 20 to 1. So you're losing six paces there. That s it Would have been a little bit a little bit cheaper, but still they'll take. They'll take us dollars. So you're not gonna be in a bad spot either

Todd Reimer:   32:14
way. Well, that goes to my next travel point, which is when you want local currency, which I usually do the best place toe Teoh get. It is usually upon arrival at the airport, going directly to the A P. M. They usually have it right around baggage claim. Um, you can, of course, get money ahead of time or go to wait to get to the hotel or anywhere else. But the exchange rates are usually not as favorable changing at a currency exchange place or in a hotel of things like that, your best Bates closest to the bank rate will be at an A T m. And since you're you just landed at the airport a lot of times you need that local currency as soon as you hit that taxi right out of there. So better to get it right from the airport. Get get whatever your budget, what you think you might need for the week and, uh, and start paying in local currency because that will be your. That will be the way to make the most bang for your buck that way.

Dalton Hamm:   33:13
Absolutely. On I think while we're on that that side of things, the financial cash side of things take advantage of your credit cards and your credit card perks, depending on if you have American Express chase. If it's, ah, travel card, whatever it is you look, look into those perks. If you have a for example, with our American Express cards, we get entry to American Express, Centurion Lounge. But we also get a free membership to Priority Pass. I think it is, and they'll have a bunch of lounges across across the world that you have access to. Usually in most major airports will have one or two and you know, some credit cards won't charge you a, um exchange currency exchange fee. Eso it's worth looking in to see what perks you have with with whichever credit card that you have and take advantage of those

Todd Reimer:   34:30
speaking of credit card perks. The other big one is travel insurance. As you know, we ah, both have Chase Sapphire Reserve cards, which give quite a bit of travel insurance, including trip cancellation insurance. Not for every reason, but, um, similar to your travel gear insurance. It's nice to have trip insurance, so if something comes up and you get sick and you can't travel anymore, a lot of times you have to buy separate insurance policies while some of the nicer credit cards do cover refunding, your airline tickets, hotel stays and everything else if you book with them, so check that out. There's a lot of money to be saved in insurance. If you happen to choose the right kind of card to book your trip with a lot of times, it will require you to. Actually, you can't just have the credit card you out. We'll have to have paid info with that specific credit card to be able to take advantage of that insurance.

Dalton Hamm:   35:28
And, you know, like I had said, if you have a ah particular airline card, If you have a united card, make sure you look and see if it gives you any perks other than extra mileage, it might give you a first bag free. First. Check back free. It might give you priority boarding. Um, they're different. Different perks, different levels with with those cards, and you take advantage of any of those that you can.

Todd Reimer:   36:00
Yes, good point. I know my last trip. Someone told me if you signed up for their frequent flier club for Gruda, you actually got extra baggage allowance right out of the gate. Also, it's just by being a regular member. So another good point there.

Dalton Hamm:   36:14
Yeah, so I guess why not go ahead?

Todd Reimer:   36:18
It's going to be one of the things since we're talking about insurance still is a lot of times for us divers. We need to have a Dan membership anyway, and I believe check with check on the Dan website. I believe there are some coverages included basic, basically with your membership. But they also offer additional plans for a single trip, a multi trip insurance as well that cover travel also. So if you don't happen to have one of those fancy credit cards. One of the places to look for that offer travel insurance, since you may need to for dive related insurance anyway, is Dan and they they will cover general travel in addition to your actual diving insurance.

Dalton Hamm:   37:00
Yeah, for sure. Dan is. Dana is great, and there's, ah, a couple of other ones out there as well. Travel. Sure, I think

Todd Reimer:   37:07
we had diver diver shirt. Yeah, for sure. We used tohave. They their their prices got even more expensive in the coverages. Got more restrictive, like they still don't allow coverage in the US They only travel. It's either they don't do California or they don't do any of the U. S. And only or international. It's very strange, but But look into it and and see and

Dalton Hamm:   37:30
compare the investor sent. There's other other carriers out there that you can look into. It's not just Dan, although I highly recommend going with Dan. They provide a great service to all divers.

Todd Reimer:   37:44
Yes, I used to love diver shirt. They offered a lot of bang for Buck for combining travel, insurance and dive insurance. But that changed. And now Dan's my personal preferred one. But also don't confuse the fact with having trip insurance with actually dive accident insurance. There's only a few out there that will actual cover actually cover you if you have a dive related initial injury. So if you have, if you get the bends, you need to go in the decompression chamber for decompression sickness. Um, that bills that could be covered with most normal travel insurance. You have to have insurance from a company like Dan Diver shirt and some other ones. There's a few out there, but just know that that's not a

Dalton Hamm:   38:28
lot of live. Aboards will require that you have dive insurance.

Todd Reimer:   38:33
Yet most of them will not confirm your reservation unless you show proof of insurance before you come. So, um, but even if they don't just make sure lot of times they'll say it and expect it once you show up. So just be prepared to have it. And it's good peace of mind, regardless, and it's even for it with Dan. If you just want the basic coverage, it's it's very inexpensive.

Dalton Hamm:   38:55
Yeah, and you know, another one that I'll have that builds on the that is you just make sure, you know, especially for travel internationally. Um, make sure you look into it. It's easy call to Dando. They'll tell you. Find out. We're like your local hyperbaric chamber is going to be eso. You know how far is? Because just because there's a dive up in on a particular island, it doesn't mean that they necessarily know where they're hyperbaric chamber is. So it's definitely worth having having that knowledge as

Todd Reimer:   39:35
well. Back to business. So

Dalton Hamm:   39:38
what you got next on your list? But

Todd Reimer:   39:41
so, um, back to, ah, small travel tip, I would like to say if you're pack and shoes, don't bother use and shoe horns stuffing with your socks. So again, for the if, For those of us air typically traveling on business lifetimes, you have a few pairs of shoes in there. If you if you happen to be doing things that require dress shoes, you're used to being putting. Certainly start that over because it's not sure trees. So my next tip is don't use shoe trees stuffing with your socks. So if you happen to be on a dive trip or happen to be on a trip where you need some business shoes or you happen to have a couple pair of sneakers Don't bother using shoe trees on their They just take up too much extra weight. If you want to keep and make sure that shape your shoes is okay, just just shove them with the socks that you're in. There s a lot lighter and ends up going to save some space,

Dalton Hamm:   40:42
and you can actually apply that to your friend pockets. So instead of using

Todd Reimer:   40:49
the little

Dalton Hamm:   40:50
plastic insert they have for your friend pockets dumped that and shove either you know, socks or a mask or something

Todd Reimer:   41:00
rash guard

Dalton Hamm:   41:01
stuff in there that will help it keep its form. But, you know, make good use of the

Todd Reimer:   41:07
space. Very good point. What he got next on?

Dalton Hamm:   41:11
Well, again, Going to go back. Teoh, Uh, you know, basic travel hacks and that is Teoh. This is just for people in the US. Get TSA pre check and or global entry, most of your credit cards. While not most a lot of your credit cards will reimburse you for that as a perk. Um, so it's definitely worth having definitely saved yourself a little bit of time in the TSA pre check line.

Todd Reimer:   41:46
Good one it's It's so useful when you when you on that one flight where you realize there's a three hour wait normally for most people, but you get to go through global entry and you're out, you're through in like, two minutes. Your it will be so worth it, even if you even if your credit card doesn't pay for it, it's if you're going to do any sort of payments, any sort of traveling internationally. It's so worth it.

Dalton Hamm:   42:11
And it's ah, like 100 bucks, right? Something like that.

Todd Reimer:   42:14
Yeah, yeah, I forget what the going rate is, But yes, it's not that much more than that. And if you get global entry, TSA pre check is included, so you get two for the price of one. So what you got? Um, so the next tip that I've got is back to trying to deal with a lot of heavy gear if you happen to still need extra extra weight out of your bag. Checked bag and out of your carry on bag is by a photo vest, and these photo vests usually are used typically by safari guys. They don't you don't think of using it for any other things, but it's got tons of pockets. It's lightweight. You can shove camera bodies in their small lenses, batteries, things like that. So if you need to it and even if they're weighing the bags, they're not gonna wear your clothing. So a lot of camera vests. There's a lot of them that have tons of pockets. You can stuff a lot of stuff and basically saviors itself a lot of weight. Plus, I happen. Look, you don't look cool wearing it, but I actually have turned to actually like having it because it has so many's little zippered pockets. You need to throw a pocket and for your headphones or your phone, your iPad. There's a pocket for everything, and it makes traveling a lot easier wearing one. It's definitely not normal gear that you'd like to wear, but if it was in Vogue, had worried a lot more often. But it's definitely for longer trips. Great toe have absolutely so

Dalton Hamm:   43:50
I think the next thing I have falls a little bit more into, you know, going back Teoh. You can't put a price on peace of mind, and that's I always travel with either a PLB or like a garment in reach and some type of modified first aid kit, Um, and that the PLB personal locator beacon or the garment in reach? Or there's a company that makes one called a spot. Basically, it's ah, satellite GPS satellite device that you can text with your family and friends or if there's an emergency, it's got an S. O s feature. The personal locator beacon is, um, operates the GPS as well and a radio signal that will activate the Coast Guard. And then they will notify the proper authorities depending on where you are in the world to come and get you. Um, a lot of the dive trips that we go on and a lot of places that we travel for photography are a lot of times out, out of the way, you know, I mean, we're not necessarily going to New York City or London. Teoh do photography. We're going to more remote places and Iceland, Africa, Indonesia, the Caribbean, um, Indian Ocean, different places to either dive or do photography and just have that peace of mind that you can gets. You have someone come help you. You know, there were, I think It was two summers ago, Um, before I moved back to California from Florida. There was one dive operation that left 13 people 13 divers in the ocean over the course of one summer. Not all at the same time. And they ended up getting picked up, thankfully, by either other fishing boats or the Coast Guard or the Sheriff's Department. Um, so, unfortunately, it happens. And you know, Todd and I both have been on a lot, a lot, a lot of dives, and it's never happened to us. But that doesn't mean that it won't the next time the next I would go on. So it's It's a good thing Tiu have just to give yourself a little bit of peace of mind and a little bit extra safety in for the garment in the spot is that they also require a, um, a monthly service plan. So and it's not too bad, I think. I think it's what, like $10 a month for the cheap one up Teoh, 60 or 70 bucks for the more expensive one, depending on how many messages you want to send. What type of tracking you want toe initiate? Um, that type of thing. And also the good thing about it is that it's not a continuous monthly fee. It's not a subscription. You can activate it. You can not have it activated and then say, Hey, we're going Teoh, Russia, on pot in November. And so all summer, you don't have it activated. And then come. You know, October 31st you go online and you are on your phone and you activate it and you activate it for the month of November. And then when you get back, you cancel it. And for the next month,

Todd Reimer:   47:45
yes, so usually need Ah, there's usually like a one time activation fee that they thought that she should with, but it's not very expensive. And then you have the choice of buying an annual annual membership. You know you're going to use it all year. It's obviously price to be your best value, but if you know you're only going to use this thing maybe a few months out of the year. Three. You know, 15 months of the year you're better off just turning it on and off as needed. It only takes a minute to to do ah from your what you can do right from your phone to say I want to use it this this month. Turn it on and then cancel it right away. And you're set. You're covered for the entire month, and and you only have to pay 10 bucks. And then you don't pay anything for any of the other months until you get

Dalton Hamm:   48:27
exactly. And you can change your plan. Your monthly plan, say, like, time with Sam. We use it a lot when we're going. Either. Hiking are out in the the outback, out in the you know of the desert in California are up in the mountains or wherever. Um, yeah, I might use the $10 a month plan for that. But when I'm going to go to the other side of the world so I'm going to the Maldives, I might pay for $50 plan. So I have more text messages. Aiken send. I have more frequent tracking features and different things, and so you can upgrading and downgrade your your, um, your policy or your program as you need.

Todd Reimer:   49:19
Yeah. So, as you can see, this is another gear acquisition syndrome. We probably item that we probably should have mentioned in last week's episode. We both have him. We love him, but I think we've done enough advertising for garment for one day. But they're great. Uh, check into it and and see if it's for you. It's a fun I didn't have. And if you happen to be going doing a lot of stuff, especially if you're on your own, if you're traveling on your own to places where there's not service, it's definitely worth the peace of mind. If you're going on trips with big tours, someone else, we already have it for you. It's okay, toe. You know, if you don't want to spend the money for the service and everything else.

Dalton Hamm:   49:57
So you got anything else on your, uh, your list their time?

Todd Reimer:   50:00
I I think I think I got most of points. I was thinking of you. I know you got a few more any any that jump up at you that you want o share

Dalton Hamm:   50:09
one thing. There's still have Ah, I think I still have a few pretty good this year, huh? So what's Yeah, something I didn't do when I was younger, But I definitely do. Now that I'm older is I make a packing list, and I also include a note pad and pen. So if I'm sitting in the airport or at my destination, I go, Oh, man, I really wish I had this. I should have put it on the packing list. I could make a little note and add to the packing. Let's next time.

Todd Reimer:   50:44
Good one. You know, I had just thought a one that I didn't have analyst. But I'll add is bring business cards with you. When you're traveling for other people, you meet. Granted, this is it's less important now that everyone's got phones and you could just transmit everything, but especially if you're traveling to places in Asia where it's a lot more common to hand out business cards, you'll find a lot of people watch information will want to trade business cards with you. So even your traveling for personal it's nice to have something printed up to be able to just hand off Thio Thio people that you meet because you got to meet a lot of other diving, you know, diving friends that on your trip, and depending on where they're from, it's gonna become more common practice in certain parts of the world where they're gonna expected to be able to trade in foot with you via business card.

Dalton Hamm:   51:30
Absolutely. And I also have another one that season. Diver's air Definitely going Teoh. Get right away. But some new divers might not quite understand yet. Um, even though you're going to the tropics, where it's always warm and humid. A pack a very light windbreaker brain jacket. After you've been diving all day and you're sitting on a boat, I don't care how warm it is. It could be 80 degrees out. You're still going to get chilly just because the wind blowing off the water you're going to get cold. So and your body temperature has been brought down by being and submerged in the water. So that rain, that little rain jacket and windbreaker is gonna be huge just by keeping the wind off of you.

Todd Reimer:   52:23
Yeah, and that's so not only bring it with you on the trip would bring it with you on the dive, so throw it in your dry bag or wherever it doesn't eat into dry bag. But that way, in case you're on a little six pack you never know what Boucheron. Right. So it could have a lot of different uses, so definitely, definitely a good point. What else you got?

Dalton Hamm:   52:41
Um, I have So you turned me on to this one back in the day and it was when we would travel somewhere. You were like, Okay, we want to set together. But let's buy an aisle and a window seat a little further back on the plane most of the time, nobody wants to sit in the middle. So further back on the plane island window, you'll have a pretty decent chance. Unless it's a full flight, you'll have a pretty good chance that you're going to get a C a four row to just the two of you. So I think that's definitely a good one.

Todd Reimer:   53:29
Yeah, it's always the dilemma when you're traveling with the significant other. If you go with that rescue, you risk having the whole ill or, um, you know, get or then do it, then have a stranger being the middle seat. Usually, if that happens, you can ask to switch. Then they will be glad to take it. The you know I'll and I'll or window from you if you just want to switch it off with a metal. See? But I've actually been on one trip where we tried this trick. It didn't work, and the guy did not want to change seats. So literally, I was stuck with May and some stranger in the middle. But But that almost never happens. Usually you get the road of yourselves and then the worst case scenario, they'll happily switch with you out of the middle seat so you could be put together.

Dalton Hamm:   54:14
Yes. Was says that Ramona and I, when we travel now we by a window and an aisle. And if someone comes to sit in the middle, one of us will say, Hey, would you like to have the window or the aisle? And we'll just move into the middle

Todd Reimer:   54:31
seat one? Ah, another thing that May is great at doing. Even before this whole covert nine thing, 19 thing came out which was bringing a travel set of wet ones with you a little wet wipes or anti bacterial wipes. So it's always good to wipe the seat down, wipe the trade down. Ah, everything on their plane. I'm sure they'll do you much better at it now of sterilizing seats before we get on there. But do you really want to trust anyone else it? So we always will take a little travel set of things to be able to wipe down on our travels. That way, we don't worry about seats that have been got sticky crap on it, or germs, whatever. It's always good to have that with you and your in your carry on bag.

Dalton Hamm:   55:18
Absolutely. And those were great for other things, not just wiping down your airplane. See, You mean the list for uses of those you know just goes on and on and use it for hand wife if you need to clean your hands off if you get If you get a rental car, you're getting in a rental car you might want. Oh yeah, there's 70 things you could want to write down these days.

Todd Reimer:   55:43
Yep, so definitely. And it's looking to travel. Look in the travel section. They usually have them for a couple bunks there

Dalton Hamm:   55:49
and something that I was never really big on until somebody got me a collapsible backpack and I was like, What's this? I'll never use this and then I started putting it inside my travel bag, and it's actually perfect. So you get to wherever you're going, you get to Cozumel and you decide you're gonna run into town. Okay, I could just take this little collapsible backpack and take it with me and fill it full of stuff or whatever. But if you're going home and you end up having a wet, wet suit and it makes you overweight, you can always check another bag. You know it as long as you have one. So you get to the airport and you find out you're overweight. Just pull out that that collapsible backpack or collapsible bag and you put some stuff in and zip it up and check it or carry it on, or whatever you need to do. Extra souvenirs. I mean, there's a long list of uses for that.

Todd Reimer:   57:03
That's a great point. I totally forgot. We always travel with her Samsonite toda town. It's called, and it's basically collapsible leg. You could just re usually it went around the dive trip on anything else. We just shove all the dirty laundry and that thing, and it just ends up being this big duffel bag and that way it separates your dirty laundry from the rest of your gear or your wet gear from the rest of ones. And, um, a lot of times, if you have weight issues, a lot of times it's cheaper to check a whole extra bag than it is to check an overweight bag. So if you happen, have this extra bag with you. It will save you money in the long run to have to just check that extra bag and look for the collapsible ones. Like a lot of times you're just putting laundry soft stuff and it doesn't need to be reinforced, so it it can. It can fold up really small and usually snaps or zips. So it takes up next to nothing and

Dalton Hamm:   57:49
takes up very little space and weighs practically nothing. And, uh, I think my one of my last I got a couple more. But one of the ones that I'm a big fan of these days is clip a empty water bottle or a camp cup or whatever you want to use. Clip one of those to your backpack or your carry on and take it with you that way, when you get inside the airport, you can either fill it up with water from the water fountain. If you don't want to spend five bucks on the bottle of water, or if you do want to spend five bucks on the bottle of water, I personally use the double wall stainless steel ones, and it will just keep your stuff cold her a little longer. A

Todd Reimer:   58:39
lot of times, restaurants will happily fill your messed with with ice water. Also, um, so most people are really nice about that. And if especially if you happen to be eating there while you wait for your flight than then, it's definitely no brainer. But if you ask nicely also, a lot of times people will do that for you haven't had a problem, so definitely don't fill it with water before you go through security, obviously, but have have an extra empty one. It's good to go. It's great to use on your travels. If you don't happen, toe be issued one on your trip. It's always great to have with you on your travels, regardless, but especially for longer trips. It's great to have a water bottle with you, so you're not having Teoh weight on a flight attendant to get you water or, uh, anywhere else you have. You have that with you. It's It's a great tip. Absolutely. On.

Dalton Hamm:   59:29
I think I think my last one is, you know, toe have a modified saved the dive kit. So we all have saved Dive kit's divers that has over earnings wrenches, mouthpieces, extra straps, you know, depends on how how much you want to shove in one of them and how big of ah, toolbox. You want to carry, um, but have a modified one for your trips. That has a few of rings, maybe a spare mask strap, maybe a spare mouthpiece if you know you cheat. Threw them on the regular Todd

Todd Reimer:   1:0:11
E. I always have to extras with me just in case.

Dalton Hamm:   1:0:15
So some extra zip ties. Um, it doesn't have to be a big kit, but just have a little something, and they make these, um, I think we saw him at the last demons show. Um, there is like a credit card, and it's made out of aluminum, and it's got a Flathead Phillips and several, um, cutouts that are wrench sizes that you can use to tighten or loosen hoses and things like that. So, you know, you get a little bit a little bit more bang for your buck instead of trying to carry, you know, three or four different wrenches and saves in space.

Todd Reimer:   1:1:00
Yeah, that's a great tip.

Dalton Hamm:   1:1:02
And make sure you put that Make sure you put that in your checked bag. Not your carry on.

Todd Reimer:   1:1:07
Yes, it's funny. I had ah, with my camera gear. East Island Pelican case with little powers, an insurgent in there. I had a Leatherman, a small one, but there's still weatherman with that had, like, a mini pliers, and then most of it was screwdrivers and stuff in it. But there was, I think one of the things was a small things which maybe I don't even think it was a knife, but it still had It was sharp enough to be an issue, but it took a good two years for someone to actually identify that. That thing shouldn't have been in my carry on bags for all those years. And eventually they caught it and got rid of it. So yeah, definitely anything with a multi tool. Put it in your checked bag in their eyes. It's gonna get caught.

Dalton Hamm:   1:1:48
Yeah, And it was interesting out. I went on a snowboard trip one time and I had a It was it wasn't a multi tool is just a screwdriver. And it was one of the ones that looks like it has little t handle. Maybe I'm trying. I'm using my hands. I know people can't see what I'm doing here, but it is probably about the size of your fist and had a small little point that came out of it that you could put bits in. So think of something that would probably fit in the palm of your hand If you extended your fingers, you get later in the palm of your hand and it would fit. No problem. And that'll screw, cap. You could take a Philips bid out a hex bit a flathead and put it in, and it was ratcheted so you could tighten up your snowboard bindings or whatever is what I was using it for. And TSA took it. I'm like, it's not a knife, it's not Ah, it's not a Leatherman. It's not like you know, but, you know, they're like, Nope, can't have it, but it's only a screwdriver. But anyway,

Todd Reimer:   1:2:52
what do you give it to you? Yep. Hey, go and learn your lesson.

Dalton Hamm:   1:2:59
And then people turn around and travel with a Leatherman inside their pelican case for five

Todd Reimer:   1:3:03
years before taking exactly luck of the draw. Like exactly. I guess that's the other tip is don't Don't mess with TSA or security internationally that you never know you're gonna get but argue with them. Rarely. Turns out well for you.

Dalton Hamm:   1:3:21
Absolutely. Absolutely. Don't argue with, um, be nice. Be kind because they can. They can make your trip a nightmare. They can make You missed your flight and you won't have any recourse taken. Hold you over for whatever. If you start giving him too much grief, you know they have. Ah, they have quite a bit of power toe to make your your trip of painting. But

Todd Reimer:   1:3:51
be respectful to the TSA for flight crew everything. Even if you know you're in the right and they're in the wrong, it doesn't matter. Like just just do your best to represent what is to be good traveler. And you know you can calmly make Jurgen. But if they are adamant about something one way. Then you're just gonna have to let it go and move on and come up with a plan B for whatever it is, whether it means giving up gear, that they're confiscating from you or telling you you have to check bags that you shouldn't have to check. You just have to. You just have to roll with punches, sir. Speaking

Dalton Hamm:   1:4:27
and honestly, I've never had anything happened that was in detriment to my trip that I didn't make worse. You know what it would have

Todd Reimer:   1:4:47
been? We've been

Dalton Hamm:   1:4:48
fine. If I just said Yes, ma'am. No, ma'am, please And thank you. But because I was young and I knew I was right and I was right, but it didn't matter and ended up having a couple of pretty, pretty nasty trips. What I what I tell a lot of people is there's, ah, the difference between and ordeal and an adventure is attitude eso as long as you, as long as you go into your trip and everything with a good attitude and, you know, act like you just won the lottery or something. Like like you just have You're having the best day. Your life because in actuality, you're you're getting ready to go somewhere. That's a lot of fun. You're going to go diving or you're going to go take some pictures. You're going to do something fun. So just remember that, and, you know, go through TSA. If the TSA lines clothes, if the pre check lines close and you have to go through the long line, don't make a fuss going. Oh, well, it should be open. It says it's supposed to be open. I've got TSA. Appreciate I should go to the front instead of doing all that just okay, Great. You know, it works 90% of the time. This time, it's not a big deal. You just get extra few minutes to talk with people. So, you know, just have fun, no matter what it is.

Todd Reimer:   1:6:14
Yep, try your best to have a good attitude, because you are fortunate to be in the situation you are. Most people don't get Teoh travel and scuba dive or just traveling. Take pictures for a living. Uh, it's hard because it's always a stressful situation. But, you know, be appreciative and be respectful and you'll you'll end up having a better time than then, then letting it get to you that that whatever the situation may be, so what we end it there. I think it's a good place to wrap it up. We have tons and tons of great options. Hopefully, you guys found some new tips that might have work for you. We'd love to hear from you guys. Let us know in the comments, or send us an email at the feedback at the aquatic life podcast dot com and let us know, uh, what your travel hacks are way. Want to know eso before we wrap it up? Why don't you tell everyone Dalton, where people can find more of your work?

Dalton Hamm:   1:7:12
Sure, everybody confined me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube at Dalton Ham Photography. They can find me online adult ham dot com for my commercial work and for diving. They confined me a pirate dive crew dot com. What about Utah?

Todd Reimer:   1:7:33
And and for me, they can go to todd. Reimer photography dot com and find me on social media. All my details are in the show notes. So with that, uh, if you like what you're hearing, please take a moment to subscribe to the podcast and Ray doesn't. ITunes? If you got a minute. Greatly appreciate it will help us get the word out Until then. Thanks for joining us, guys. We'll see you next.